Interface Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.Interface Pharmaceuticals Interface
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Interface Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Interface Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. Product Range
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About Company
An ISO 9001:2015 (QMS), WHO GMP, HACCP, ISO 22000:2005(FSMS) Certified Company & Company has over 18 years experience to provide true immune-modulators and immunity enhancers. We had started with vision of how we can check antibiotics abuse in poultry & live- stock to provide world standard meat to human and today it has to become a reality. In due course we have come out with number of research based products- PROTOFACE, INTERMUNE, PROTOMUNE, NUTRIGROW, GROWFAST P are a few of them.

In present scenario of frequent viral & bacterial problems. Our products have shown their worth and are giving best of the results to provide highest standards of productivity and prescribed by the breed (breeder, broiler or layer). Our products are well accepted against Chicken Aneimia Virus(CAV), New Castle Disease Virus(ND), Infectious Bursal Disease(IBD), Inclusion Body Hepapitis(IBH), H9N2, H5N1 etc. All the products can be used in any type of disease(Microbial or Viral).
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Quality Policy
We believe in best end results for our range of products by assuring best of ingredients and formulations. This is again assured that all products are packed with maintaining high standards of packaging at all stages of processing.

We do assure that if your flocks are kept as per the norms prescribed by us to use our product range then your flocks is protected over 95% against various microbial and viral diseases.

What is Immuno-Modulation?
Interest in veterinary nutrition has grown dramatically over the past 20 years, both for treatment of animals with short-term illness, as well as for long-term treatment of chronic conditions. Many evidences-based on improvements in diet have been identified through human clinical nutrition work, but now are becoming available in companion animal clinical nutrition. Nutrition plays a complex and controversial role in disease prevention in both humans and animals.
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latest news
In present scenario of frequent viral & bacterial problems, our products have shown their worth and are giving best of the results to provide highest standards of productivity as prescribed by the breed (breeder, broiler or layer).
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Featured ProductsFeatured Products
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Product Range ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Protoface® | Intermune® | Protomune® | Nutrigrow - Gmp® | Profitaze® | Calface® | Growfast P® | Multimune® | Readymune® | Aquaamune®| Aquaagrow®| Nutriaqua®| Respamune®