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Interface Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Interface Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. Product Range
Nutrigrow - Gmp ®
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A Nutritional Way To Re-inforce The Defense at earlystage of life.
A Balanced Feed Mix of All Essential Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acid Along With Required Energy.
Nutrigrow - Gmp

» Solution to All Nutritional Problems
» Better Feed Conversion
» Better Profitability of Investents

» Uniform Growth Throughout Life
» Better Hatchibility & Viability
» Reduces Stress

"During The First Several Weeks, Bursa and Thymus develop at a rate much faster than the bird's body as a whole. When the body's growth rate is slowed during this period because of nutrient deficiencies, both the organs are extremely prone to damage"

"First 10 days of life are vulnerable in the life of chicks, if they fed balanced nutrients at intial stage, their performance enhances significantly throughout the life"*

Each Gram of Nutrigrow Contains
Lysine 44 mg Niacin 33.3 mg
Methionine 13 mg Panpothenic Acid 6.6 mg
Threonine 36 mg Folic Acid 2.5 mcg
Tryptophan 15 mg Biotin 8.3 mcg
Iso-Leucine 25 mg Calcium 155 mg
Leucine 55 mg Phosphorous 60 mg
Phenylanine 17 mg Iron 1.17 mg
Valine 26 mg Zinc 0.31 mg
Histidine 13 mg Iodine 0.17 mg
Vitamin A 9000 IU Sodiume 33 mg
Vitamin D 2000 IU Potassiuam 31 mg
Vitamin E 5 mg Chloride 58 mg
Vitamin K 5 mcg Magmesium 4 mg
Vitamin C 100 mg Manganese 0.06 mg
Vitamin B1 2.5 mg Selenium 0.02 mg
Vitamin B2 3.3 mg Copper 0.04 mg
Vitamin B6 2.5 mg Energy 4 kcal
Vitamin B12 5 mcg Base Q.S.

Protein Fractions of Nutrigrow
AlfaLactoglobulin 0.15%
Beta Lactalbumin 0.06%
Serum Albumin 0.02%
Immunoglobulins 0.03%
Proteose Peptones 0.03%
Minor Proteins 0.015%
Total Proteins 0.31%
** Dr. J.L. Vegad, Ex-Professor & Head,
InterfaceDepartment of Pathology, Collage of Vety. Science & Animal
InterfaceHusbandry, Jabalpur
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Product Range ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Protoface | Intermune | Protomune | Nutrigrow - Gmp | Profitaze | Calface | Growfast P | Multimune| Aquaamune| Aquaagrow| Nutriaqua| Respamune