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Efficacy of immunostimulants against inclusion body hepatitis in brollers ®
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Efficacy of immunostimulants against inclusion body hepatitis in brollers.
Department of clinical medicine,Ethics and jurisprudence
Department of epidemiology & preventive medicine College of veterinary and animal sciences,
G.B.pant university of agriculture and technology,
Pantnagar-263 145, U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand.

The present investigation was carried out on one hundred twenty five day-old broiler chicks divided into 5 equal groups.the birds of groups 1 served as negative control.The birds of group 2 were given nutrigrow @ 5g/100 chicks/day for 10days followe by protoface @ 20gm/1000 chicks/days from 11th to 20th day of age along with normal feed and from 21th day they were given profitaze @50 gm/1000 birds in evening water.after challenge,the chicks were given protoface @200gm/1000birds per day in water for 7 days.

The birds of group 3 were given protoface only before infection.The birds of group 4 were given protoface @200 gm/1000 chicks/day only after infection.The birds of group 5 were kept as positive control.The mortality rate of group 2 was lowest i.e 16%whereas that of group 5 was 56% treated birds showed significant increase in Hb,TEC,PCV,and TLC values along with non-significant increase in MCV,MCH anddecrease in MCHC as compared to infected control.The mortality rate of treated group was lower than that of infected control.

Keywords: Inclusion body hepatitis,immunostimulant,broiler,FAV4.

Inclusion body hepatitis was first described in us by helmboldt and frazier in the year 1963.since then the disease has been reported in several countries including Chile,Canada Ireland,England,Germany,Italy,Australia,NewZealand,Japan,and India and all serotyoes of group-I aviadenovirus has been incriminated in the field outbreaks(chandra et al.,1998).IBH is caused by group 1 aviadenovirus which is divided into 11 distinct serotypes by virus neutralization tests and five groups'species [A-E] on the basis of restriction endonuclease analysis(philippe al.,2005).

IBH was first reported by parthasarthy et al.(1979) from tamil nadu. since then IBH has been reported in chickens of 3-5 weeks of age by several workers (Grewal et al.,1981;shrivastava,1990;kharole et al,1991;sandhu et al.,1994;kumar etb al.,2003).

Effect of different immunostimulants on haematological parameters in IBH challenged chickens (Mean ±SE)
Parameter Groups Days Post-Infection
0 2 4 6 8
Haemoglobin 1 110.32±3.04 112.34±1.97 114.36±3.92 116.58±2.46 118.44±1.96
2 118.32±3.04 119.20±1.95 102.08±3.79 100.20±4.41 102.40±3.64
3 110.28±3.04 112.24±1.99 86.32±2.30 86.36±231 96.28±3.88
4 110.44±3.04 112.32±1.97 62.16±1.96 82.60±1.93 90.20±0.89
5 110.32±3.04 112.28±3.66 54.24±2.39 78.52±1.96 90.24±0.79
TEC 1 3.39±0.09 3.23±0.06 3.27±0.03 3.28±0.03 3.28±0.06
2 3.388±0.14 3.154±0.09 2.776±0.09 2.8±0.04 2.698±0.03
3 3.232±0.05 3.022±0.15 2.27±0.07 2.42±0.11 2.798±0.08
4 3.088±0.06 2.986±0.04 1.822±0.03 2.418±0.05 2.776±0.07
5 3.064±0.05 3.13±0.07 1.768±0.07 2.092±0.04 2.76±0.08
TLC 1 23.70±0.019 21.81±0.19 22.04±0.32 22.65±0.58 24.00±0.17
2 27.86±0.10 22.89±0.28 22.71±0.15 -.12±0.12 -.96±0.30
3 27.14±0.20 22.00±0.06 17.66±0.14 19.95±0.21 22.92±0.08
4 23.13±0.11 21.13±0.09 18.68±0.13 19.41±0.16 23.94±0.17
5 23.79±0.08 16.88±0.22 14.87±0.17 19.17±0.10 21.95±0.-
PLC 1 60.30±0.22 59.91±0.44 59.55±0.23 59.36±0.22 59.13±0.26
2 65.33±0.17 59.93±0.06 54.70±0.- 57.99±0.30 59.75±0.10
3 65.26±0.02 56.46±0.20 52.34±0.11 55.28±0.04 58.77±0.07
4 59.47±0.48 54.31±0.02 51.64±0.17 55.94±0.06 58.14±0.07
5 59.70±0.18 52.18±0.17 48.14±0.20 50.00±0.05 53.40±0.29
PHC 1 30.71±0.29 30.76±0.22 30.31±0.01 31.12±0.08 31.07±0.20
2 -.68±0.27 31.69±0.35 35.96±0.32 32.95±0.19 30.03±0.02
3 -.28±0.01 36.32±0.36 41.57±0.18 37.49±0.02 33.14±0.01
4 30.86±0.05 37.93±0.11 41.77±0.17 36.35±0.35 33.01±0.21
5 30.83±0.07 42.37±0.19 47.09±0.19 43.01±0.05 39.27±0.37
values having similar subscript a, b, c, d, e (p<=0.05) and p, q, r, s, t ( p<=0.01) differed significantly when compared vertically.

Effect of different immunostimulants on biochemical parameters in IBH challenged chickens
(Mean ±SE)
Parameter Groups Days Post-Infection
0 4 8
TP 1 42.04±1.13 42.63±0.26 43.45±1.48
4 48.97±0.45 40.33±0.44 45.20±0.10
5 48.92±0.38 33.-±0.56 40.18±0.04
6 43.17±0.55 34.98±0.78 43.60±0.30
7 42.94±1.28 27.63±1.20 38.39±1.29
Albumin 1 18.92±0.42 19.16±0.07 19.56±0.74
4 22.06±0.20 17.45±0.10 20.09±0.04
5 21.94±0.16 14.51±0.30 17.56±0.03
6 19.22±0.- 16.44±0.37 19.05±0.09
7 19.12±0.64 13.99±0.69 16.36±0.51
Globulin 1 22.90±0.75 23.46±0.29 24.08±0.74
4 26.90±0.28 22.87±0.14 25.10±0.05
5 26.98±0.2 19.25±0.27 22.61±0.07
6 23.94±0.31 20.72±0.67 24.54±0.21
7 23.83±0.69 16.44±0.69 22.02±0.78
AST 1 117.24±4.40 115.07±2.89 114.50±5.37
4 109.15±1.56 136.18±1.13 124.75±2.33
5 108.95±1.85 150.22±4.68 136.85±4.37
6 120.67±3.12 147.89±2.23 139.18±0.58
7 121.16±2.14 173.81±1.82 172.85±3.74
ALT 1 33.82±1.81 33.87±0.89 34.83±2.43
4 34.31±1.07 50.34±1.24 36.56±0.89
5 34.19±1.17 51.87±0.92 40.43±0.30
6 34.28±1.21 50.76±0.63 41.95±0.81
7 33.85±0.93 60.14±1.11 43.17±0.60
AP 1 282.19±2.29 284.81±2.96 275.54±4.06
4 276.13±3.08 299.42±0.65 290.18±0.04
5 273.81±6.35 296.53±0.88 289.18±0.62
6 280.57±0.62 398.46±1.68 289.46±0.68
7 29.72±0.41 316.54±4.69 292.11±1.62
CK 1 56.52±0.67 56.89±0.72 55.86±0.75
4 55.20±0.60 66.45±0.90 59.16±0.58
5 54.77±0.96 68.46±0.32 59.77±0.33
6 55.20±0.56 68.12±0.58 58.82±1.34
7 56.50±0.91 75.53±0.66 67.91+0.93
values having similar subscript a, b, c, d, e (p<=0.05) and p, q, r, s, t ( p<=0.01) differed significantly when compared vertically.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Product Range ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Protoface | Intermune | Protomune | Nutrigrow - Gmp | Profitaze | Calface | Growfast P | Multimune| Aquaamune| Aquaagrow| Nutriaqua| Respamune