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Interface Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Interface Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. Product Range
Profitaze ®
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A Nutritional Way To Accelerate The Performance
ProfitazeConsistent performance of animal throughout life to make them stronger
*Better Meat Ratio per kg. Live Weight      *Better Livabilty

Each Gram of Profitaze Contains
Lysine 44 mg ISO - Leucine 25 mg
Methionine 13 mg Leucine 55 mg
Threonine 36 mg Phenylanine 17 mcg
Tryptophan 15 mg Valine 26 mg
Energy 4 kcal. Histidine 11 mg
Base Q.S.

         Protein Fractions of Profitaze
AlfaLactoglobulin 0.15%
Beta Lactalbumin 0.06%
Serum Albumin 0.02%
Immunoglobulins 0.03%
Proteose Peptones 0.03%
Minor Proteins 0.015%
Total Proteins 0.31%
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Product Range ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Protoface | Intermune | Protomune | Nutrigrow - Gmp | Profitaze | Calface | Growfast P | Multimune| Aquaamune| Aquaagrow| Nutriaqua| Respamune